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klingspors Woodworking Shop

KLINGSPOR’s Woodworking Shop has become a popular stop for woodworkers around the country. We’re so happy to see fellow craftsmen passing by and remembering our stores are only short jaunts off of major interstates. And, as usual, we’re showered with compliments. No where else will you find such a huge selection of products to enhance your woodworking. That’s why KLINGSPOR’s Woodworking Shop has been called “A Woodworker’s Dream Store.” With showrooms filled with everything from heavy machinery all the way down to a simple bottle of glue, you’ll see we’ve left no stone unturned.

You can buy MPOWER Tools from this quality approved
retailer through the following sales channels

  • Online

  • Phone

  • Catalogue

  • In Store

Contact Details

Klingspor’s Woodworking Shop
P.O. Box 3737
Hickory, NC 28603-3737

Phone: 1-800-228-0000


Email: [email protected]